Monthly Archive: July 2020


These Beans are a Time Machine

Dinner was a Peruvian dish, a pancake of rice and beans fried in a pan until crisp, that I only recently Googled and learned was called Tacu-tacu. It was served with a thin grilled steak, and there was a dish in the middle of the table with some kind of salsa. The salsa appeared to be finely chopped chilies and not much else.


Peruvian Butifarra

Botifarra is the name of a sausage that is central to the cuisine of Catalonia, a region of northeastern Spain. The word “botifarra” itself is from the Catalan language, derived from bot, a word...


Guadeloupe’s Bokit

In 1493, Christopher Columbus landed on a small island in the Caribbean, called Karukera by the Caribe people who lived there. Columbus landed just long enough to call the place Santa María de Guadalupe...


Salad Sandwich (after a fashion)

Friends, I must tell you about this surprisingly good sandwich I just made with a combination of mediocre and excellent ingredients. I was supposed to be taking a day trip to the coast today...