Monthly Archive: August 2020


Grilling Out, Balkan Style: Ćevapčići

Looking up Ćevapčići, or Ćevapi online, you may learn that they are of Serbian or Slovenian origin. Perhaps you’ll find a Bosnian recipe, or a Croatian one. You may read about Albanian Qebapa, or...


Sandwiches of Summer: The Caprese

August is the perfect time to write about Caprese sandwiches. It’s not because of the cheese–fresh mozzarella doesn’t really have a season, any more than milk does. Basil is a summer crop, but can...


From Russia With Lunch: Caviar Sandwiches

What is caviar? The most exacting, strict definitions say that caviar is the roe, or unfertilized eggs, of the sturgeon–preferably endangered Beluga sturgeon but there are a few other species that qualify–salt-cured and served...