July List Sandwiches and June Wrapup

As always with our List, I find myself looking ahead when it comes to the end of the month, and trying to anticipate what I’ll need for the next month’s sandwiches without losing focus on the sandwiches I’m still working with. It’s hard, but it gives me something to look forward to, even when I’m truly enjoying what is right in front of me, as was the case with June. July has some challenges, and some truly delicious looking treats in store for us. But first, let’s recap our sandwiches from June.

In June we explored the Bocadillo de Calamares, a fried squid sandwich from Spain, as well as some additional Spanish sandwiches suggested by readers and friends. We also went to great effort to make a couple of Danish sandwiches, the mighty bøfsandwich and the Danish hot dog, both of which were very rewarding. Finally, we figured out a bunch of ways to use Hong Kong-style pineapple buns, including the typical boh loh yau, a sandwich including a thick slice of cold butter. All these sandwiches were really good. There’s more to come, though!

In July we’ll be trying the Bokit from Guadeloupe, a deep-fried flatbread cut open and stuffed with saltfish or chicken or ham and cheese or any number of fillings. We also have the Butifarra on our plate this month, a Peruvian ham sandwich served with salsa criolla. Finally, there’s the Cannibal sandwich, a holiday tradition in southeastern Wisconsin of eating raw minced beef on crackers or cocktail rye with onions. This is not what I meant by having challenges in front of us, but it’s also probably not the best thing to be tackling in July. We’ll be as careful as we can with it.

Changes to the List

And herein lies the challenge. Ah, Wikipedia. What fun curveballs you keep throwing us. On June 18th, a sandwich was added to the Wikipedia list called Bułka. This is a Polish type of hard roll, like a German brötchen, that is served stuffed with meats or cheeses or sausages or jams, etc. This sandwich, if we added it to our list, would take over the cannibal sandwich’s spot on the July roster, pushing our raw meat feast back to August.

However, I see that on the same day, the same person added another Polish sandwich called Kanapka to the list. This, like Bułka, is a type of sandwich that can be filled with meats, cheeses, sausages, jam, honey, etc., only this one is sometimes made with sliced bread instead of a roll. They seem as if they’re a natural to cover together. So we will add both kanapka and bułka to the list as a single entry encompassing standard Polish sandwiches, and we’ll keep our current lineup for July.

Additionally, an item called roti bakar was added to the list in June. This appears to be an Indonesian phrase that can be translated simply as “toasted bread,” but it appears to reference something more specific, a type of sandwich stuffed with sweet ingredients and then grilled over an open fire. This will go on our list in due time as well.

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official en.wikipedia.org List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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