June List Sandwiches and May Wrapup

May is over, and another 3 sandwiches from The List are behind us (except that we’re never truly done with sandwiches around here). Once again, Drew swooped in at the buzzer with 2 posts from the List to bring the total number of posts about our May sandwiches to 5. I can’t say any of the sandwiches we covered this month were classics, but I know it was educational for me, I appreciated reading Drew’s takes as well, and I’ve gotten some compliments on the chickpea salad recipe I came up with, so that makes me feel like we did something worthwhile.

Now, onward to June!


Once again, we have a couple of sandwiches that don’t seem to admit to much creative interpretation–the UK’s chip butty, consisting of French fries in bread; and chipped beef on toast, commonly referred to as Shit on a Shingle. There’s also a Uruguayan sandwich called Chivito that sounds delicious, but complicated.

Glutton (for punishment) that I am, of course I’m going to try to tackle all three of these sandwiches again, though I have only the vaguest of ideas what angles I’ll take. Does anybody have any ideas what they’d like to write about this month? Let’s hash it out in the comments!

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official en.wikipedia.org List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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2 Responses

  1. Jim says:

    Cafecito, of whom I’ve written previously on the Tribunal, does have a sandwich they call Chivito, but that sounds too easy–this sandwich deserves the DIY treatment. Though I’ll probably try it.

    I’m probably going to take shit on a shingle way too seriously and make a blinged out version with crazy high quality ingredients because what else are you going to do?

    I don’t know what to do about the chip butty. We don’t have a proper chippy in Chicago to my knowledge, though there’s an English Pub I used to frequent that might make one if I asked.

  2. mummy crit says:

    Yet another month passes and I failed to submit. I almost got a chicken salad sandwich together, but nope. Will try for this month. Will try for chip butty because fatty carby deliciousness, and an excuse to eat chips.

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