Monthly Archive: May 2015


Chili burger: a quick discussion

This post almost didn’t happen. As you know, today’s the last day of the month, and as of yesterday, the only sandwich I’d eaten on this month’s portion of the list was the chicken...

Homemade lemon basil chicken salad on home-baked torpedo roll 1

The Unmapped Chicken Salad

I think a lot of kids have a mild form of brumotactillophobia–an aversion to different foods touching each other. I also don’t think this is a really traumatic phobia, just a mildly compulsive behavior...

chickpea salad sandwich 2

Vegan for a Day: Chickpea Salad

If you’ve been following this blog, it’s not difficult to work out that I’m a bit of an omnivore. If you’re new to the site, or you’ve just clicked through from a search and...