April List Sandwiches and March Wrapup

March was a great month at the Tribunal. We blogged 7 posts on our three sandwiches from The List, a feat we haven’t managed since November of 2014. The posts were a bit heavy on the cheese sandwich end of things, but it’s a variable form and we covered it fairly comprehensively. I personally ate a ton of delicious sandwiches while researching Cemitas (hopefully Josh enjoyed his research in that field as well), and though I’ve once again managed to not quite get the Chilean sandwich–the Chacarero–just right, it was delicious and may have redeemed the lowly green bean in my eyes. We also addressed Ted Berg’s assertion in USA Today’s For The Win sports column that the Ricobene’s breaded steak sandwich in Chicago is the world’s greatest sandwich.

There are interesting times ahead in April as well.


We’ll be covering British cheese and pickle sandwiches, and if you’ve been paying attention it shouldn’t be difficult for you to believe that I’ve had a jar of Branston Pickle in my fridge for the past few weeks in anticipation. The Philly Cheesesteak should be a fun topic–one of our authors at the Tribunal recently moved to Jersey from Philadelphia so hopefully we’ll get a bit of local perspective there, in addition to the inevitable swing-and-a-miss the rest of us will take at it. And the southern-style fried chicken sandwich is something that I look forward to exploring in excruciating detail this month.

The only one of the three that I really have solid ideas about is the cheese & pickle sandwich, but I’ll find something to say about all three before the month is over. I hope some of you other Tribunal writers will respond in the comments with your own ideas, as will I. Any aspiring sandwich writers out there are also welcome–if you think you have a unique angle on one of these sandwiches and you’d like to tell the world, let us know! The more the merrier–we just want to eat and enjoy every sandwich. Join us!

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official en.wikipedia.org List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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3 Responses

  1. Jim says:

    So I mentioned I have Branston Pickle on hand–ordered it from Amazon a few weeks ago. It’s basically pickled vegetables in brown sauce and definitely something you have to be in the mood for. Anyway, I’m probably going to bake some brown bread and make a standard cheese & pickle sandwich, then try a couple of regional variations on it.

    For the cheesesteak, I don’t know yet, I may try a few to get a baseline and see if any ideas come up. Also I remember a Mexican take on it at a restaurant down in Quincy that was amazing but would probably shock a purist to his or her cheesy molten core.

    As for the chicken sandwich, a DIY approach seems obvious, but there are a ton of good chicken sandwiches around that I could try also. Still waiting for inspiration here. Not hating the idea of eating hell of fried chicken sandwiches this month though.

  2. ElJosharino says:

    I’ll try and do something, but I don’t know what yet. I guess I could just go to Chick Fil A and get a chicken sandwich for that one.

  3. AndrewTSKS says:

    I totally failed on cheese sandwiches last month, so I will be doing two list posts this month. There’s a Philly cheesesteak joint near my work that I’ve been meaning to check out, and I’ll hit that place up tomorrow after work. As far as chicken sandwiches, I’m basically dying a thousand deaths over the idea of breaking my four-year boycott of Chick-Fil-A. I may or may not seek out a less homophobic sandwich shop to provide me with a worthy substitute, or I may just say fuck it this one time and then write about my angst over the whole situation, but either way, I’m sure I can come up with some stuff to say about this.

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