December List sandwiches and November wrapup

November was a challenging month at the Sandwich Tribunal. Each of our three sandwiches was exotic and regional, difficult for many of our members to experience. Yet though we only ended up with 5 posts total, one of those posts, by rugged Sandwichman ElJosharino, covered all three sandwiches in one epic run. So essentially we’ve got 2-3 posts per sandwich as usual, which I’ll call a win.

December’s sandwiches are a little easier. But easy can be a trap too. I’ll be interested to see what we come up with this month.

The List part 4


Please let us know if you’d like to write about a particular sandwich in December. I have ideas for all three, but I don’t want to step on anybody’s toes in case you have similar plans, so let’s have it out in the comments.

Also, just a note on naming conventions: Previously I’d had us start all List posts with the words The List but I think instead I’d like to show the category above the post names and let that indicate which ones are from The List instead. I removed that prefix from all List posts that existed before last week. Take a look at how they’re displayed now and let me know what you think. Thanks!

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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7 Responses

  1. AndrewTSKS says:

    1) I like the display of titles way better now and thought it was a stroke of genius when I noticed it.
    2) As with every month, this month will be difficult for me due to some work-related commitments. BUT at minimum I want to go eat the fried bologna sandwich at regionally famous sandwich shop The Black Sheep. This should be do-able, no problem.
    3) I have a plan to try out BLTs at several different fast-food sandwich shops and compare/contrast, but I had a similar plan with the bacon, egg, and cheese, and that didn’t really work out. We’ll see what I can make happen.

  2. ElJosharino says:

    Yeah, I like the title display too. I updated my last post. I definitely already have an idea for the BLT, and will try to do the others in actual separate posts this time.

  3. Jim says:

    Here are my ideas:

    Thinking about the BLT, I remembered a brief discussion I got into via Twitter w/ a local celebrity chef friend of mine about toasted vs. untoasted bread for BLTs several years ago. It gave me the idea to ask a few food experts I know about the ideal BLT and try their suggestions.

    As for the bologna sandwich, there’s a kind-of famous one at Au Cheval, which is about 4 blocks from where I’m sitting right now. I’m thinking about trying that for my post. But I don’t want to step on Brian’s toes if he’s thinking of doing the same thing, so I’m willing to be flexible there. (Definitely want to try it though)

    And for the Bosna, I’m pretty obviously going to have to make my own sausage, bun, etc. and do up one of my big DIY posts.

  4. Brian says:

    Man, I’ve been after that mortadella at Au Cheval for a long time, but I never make it over there. If you can do dinner there some evening, I can meet you for a little Sandwich Rashomon.

    I’m actually starting to write a BLT post right now. I also put out feelers to eat at Old Oak Tap to review their offering, which has made some sandwich lists around town in the past.

  5. Crit says:

    I’ll be able to take a stab or two at a BLT, a great excuse to eat more of that excellent bacon, and it’s a cafe menu staple here. Bologna is also a possibility, and will be a trip down memory lane. Even the Bosna is a possibility, it’s summer, I know where to get decent brats… Let’s see how I go…the road to hell, as they say…

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