Tagged: steak

Havarti is a bit lighter than gouda, so this must be havarti 6

The Chilean Barros Luco Sandwich

Last month, with a big assist from the Bay Essence blog, I wrote something like 3000 words about a ham and cheese sandwich. Not just any ham and cheese sandwich–the Barros Jarpa, an inexpensive...

Meaty, eggy, greasy, cheesy. Check, check, check, check. 2

The Hangover Helper

Medical science has a thing or three (or ten, or thirty) to say about the best and worst things for a hangover. Toast and water. Bananas. Soup. Freakin’ quinoa. What you don’t need, says science, are...


Manburger from my local.

  My local cafe-near-work prides itself on being slightly more interesting than your average sandwich shop. Its decor is aiming for “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” with big black and white stills from the movie. Their...