Tagged: butter

Obložené chlebíčky 0

Obložené chlebíčky

Don’t ask me how to pronounce the name of this sandwich. I have asked my linguist son Damian multiple times to say it for me, and he (not a fluent Czech speaker but with...

Marmite 4

The Problem with Marmite

I recall my wife watching a movie one time, one of the indie, rambling, mumblecorey films she loves where nothing actually happens except a lot of low-key conversations. I was not really paying attention,...

Kottenbutter 0

Kottenbutter of the Bergisches Land

Das Bergisches Land is a mountainous region of Westphalia in Germany. The traditional industry of the area was mining–Westphalia was once known as the land of coal and steel–and working the ore the mines produced....

Jambon-Beurre 1

Sandwich Tribunal Presents Jambon-Beurre

Jambon-Beurre is a popular street food in Paris, France–more than popular, in fact. Ubiquitous. Iconic. The literal translation is “ham butter,” and in fact those are the two main ingredients–those and of course the...

My elaborate and hopefully distracting tray of fairy bread 1

Fairy Bread vs the Third Grade

Fairy bread is a party treat from the antipodes. Crit wrote about it once already–you can read her take here. They (she included, as our down-under correspondent) serve it at kids’ parties in Australia and...

Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich a la Mary Jenkins Langston 1

The Elvis–King of Sandwiches?

In the (pretty definitive) conclusion of his Hitchhiker’s Guide series, Mostly Harmless, Douglas Adams’ character Arthur Dent escaped his menial-but-largely-satisfying existence as Sandwich Maker to a stone age tribe by capturing and riding a Perfectly Normal Beast to...

American cucumber cocktail sandwiches 1

Cucumber Sandwiches

Cucumber sandwiches. Afternoon tea. The British upper class. The Importance of Being Earnest. blah blah blah It’s simple. It’s been written up a hundred times. Slice some cucumbers paper thin, drain them and pat them...