Tagged: bologna


South Australia’s Fritz and Sauce

Combining the sausage and the tomato sauce deadened the unique but subtle flavors of each a bit, but the combined flavor was good, and the butter kept the sandwich from being too dry. A solid combination, but nothing I’d rush to repeat.


Pumpkin Spice Bologna

I don’t know whether to call this an early Christmas present for you, Tribunal readers. Perhaps it is the coal in your naughty stocking. Only you can decide, I suppose. But just a couple weeks ago, while we were still in “pumpkin spice season,” a random encounter with a meme on a friend’s Facebook page gave me the idea to make Pumpkin Spice Bologna.


Plano Bologna Sandwich Day

Sandwich, Illinois is a town of 7500 about 60 miles west and a little south of Chicago. Plano, with a population of 11,000 or so, is its neighbor to the east. Between the two...


The Gatsby Sandwich: Possibly Great, Definitely Large

Having returned to the Sandwich Tribunal last month, I had determined from the start that this wouldn’t be some one-off, that I would become a regular contributor again. However, I felt more than a...