Medianoche with plaintain chips and mojo 0


When I wrote about Cuban sandwiches nearly two years ago, I had this to say: The greatest thing though is that while getting the sandwich exactly correct can be a pain in the ass–not too many...

Martino with egg, tomato, onion, pickle, and Martino sauce 8

The Belgian Martino

The Martino is a Belgian sandwich consisting of filet Americaine–that is, raw minced beef mixed with seasonings, mayonnaise, and egg yolk then blended to a pink paste–spread on a split baguette and served with pickles,...

Marmite 4

The Problem with Marmite

I recall my wife watching a movie one time, one of the indie, rambling, mumblecorey films she loves where nothing actually happens except a lot of low-key conversations. I was not really paying attention,...

Mallorca de jamon y queso 2

Mallorca de Jamon y Queso

Sometimes exploring a sandwich is a journey. Maybe an ingredient is difficult (or impossible) to find, or a recipe doesn’t exist in English and it has to be translated. Maybe it becomes an actual...

The Luther Burger 0

The Luther Burger

The Luther Burger is often cited as an example of a particularly American type of excess. As in ancient Rome, our donut culture may be reaching a point of orgiastic decadence, which sooner or...

Plain bagel with belly lox, onion, tomato, and capers from Russ & Daughters 1

Salmon in Manhattan

I just flew back from New York, and boy is my liver tired! My wife Mindy and I are recovering from spending 4 days and 3 nights in Manhattan. We didn’t go there specifically to try...

Limburger sandwich on dark rye 4

Limburger Sandwich. People Eat This.

Limburger is a cheese famous for one thing: it stinks. Ripened with Brevibacterium linens, a bacteria more commonly associated with human foot odor, Limburger, when consumed, has a soft interior with a somewhat more...

Romaine lettuce with tomato jam and bacon jam 1

Making the Lettuce Sandwich Delicious

According to the Wikipedia List of Sandwiches from which we draw our inspiration here at the Tribunal, the lettuce sandwich consists of “lettuce and mayonnaise.” The Wikipedia article about lettuce sandwiches goes into more...