February List Sandwiches and January Wrapup

Well the response wasn’t huge but in general you all seem to be in favor of continuing to do these roundup posts every month so, welcome to February! It’s a short month and can be challenging as a result. Additionally, I have some oral surgery coming up in a few days which will make it difficult for me to enjoy a sandwich for a hot minute. Still, there are some good ones in store for February so I hope to make it through OK. First though, let’s recap what we covered in January.

2023 kicked off Phase 3 of the Tribunal, and we’re back at the beginning! of the alphabet, that is. We started out with Brazilian Acarajé, a food that is most closely associated with Baianas and their practice of Candomblé, a diasporic religion based on those of the West African Yoruban people tinged with elements of Roman Catholicism. It’s an association that we didn’t touch on in our piece but an important one that has been well-covered by people more knowledgable than I am. Next we tried to do justice to the idiosyncratic white barbecue sauce from Decatur, Alabama. It is a subject that I will likely continue to experiment with (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!) Finally, we closed out the month looking into the grilled stuffed pitas of the Levant, Arayes. They are delicious, whether I managed to do justice to them or not.

Now let’s take a look at what’s coming up for the Tribunal in February!

In February, we’ll be trying our hand at South American Arepas, a cheesy, corny treat that doesn’t take much arm-twisting to get put on the menu around here. We’ll also be making bagel dogs. Why? Because they’re cute and tasty, and maybe I can come up with some fun spin on them. Who knows? Finally, I’m excited to try Honduran Baleadas, which we only read about recently but immediately put on the List. They seem simple but delicious!

So let me know if you have any particular connection with or insight into any of these sandwich-adjacent foods. I’m interested to hear about it!

Changes to the List

Wikipedia List

  • Bokit was added to the list, or perhaps I should say readded, as it’s something we covered in 2020. I don’t recall whether it came to our attention from Wikipedia or another source but in any case, we’re covered there.
  • Any other edits were simply cleaning up formatting, adding citations, or vandalism and its cleanup

Our List

Our scheduled list of sandwiches in its current form was set in early January and has not been altered as yet. However, we do already have a handful of additions we are contemplating.

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official en.wikipedia.org List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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