May List Sandwiches and April Wrapup

Welcome to May, folks! It’s a new month, and we may be doing the same old things every day but you can take comfort in the fact that a new month brings three new sandwiches at the Tribunal. But first, let’s take a look at the sandwiches we covered in April.

In April, we started with the letter Z, simulating a Polish bar at home for the Zapiekanka and pairing it with three different types of Polish beer. We moved on then to the Hungarian Zsiros Kenyer, which we paired with the fruit brandies (called Palinka in Hungary and other names elsewhere) so popular in Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

And then the screen wrapped and we found ourselves back at the beginning. Welcome to Phase 2.

We finished the month of April with the first sandwich on our new List, the Arnold Palmer, which we paired with Arnold Palmers of course. And now we’ve got a whole new alphabet of sandwiches to share with you. Here’s what’s next!

I wasn’t completely convinced that Bagel Toast was legit-I know guys who start spasming with anger if the words “bagel” and “toast” are even used in the same sentence much less the same sandwich–but it appears to be an actual Israeli street food, so we’ll give it a shot. Bifana is a Portuguese pork sandwich, kind of the pork version of the Prego steak sandwich we ate a while back, and I’ve been looking forward to trying it for some time now. And finally, Bocadillos are simple Spanish sandwiches of 2 or 3 ingredients made on baguettes or similar crusty bread rolls.

These all sound pretty great and I’m looking forward to May!

Changes to the List

I suppose we’re not really beholden to the Wikipedia list anymore. Still, it inspired the site and I still review it regularly for ideas. Last month, someone added Caprese to the list. It’s a sandwich we’ve mentioned before, but haven’t officially covered, and I think it’s a good idea to add it.

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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