April List Sandwiches and March Wrapup

Welcome to April, 2020. A momentous month marking the End of the List.

First though, let’s discuss March. Or, let’s discuss the sandwiches we investigated in March. Let’s forget the rest of the month ever happened, OK?

In March, we looked into Wraps of all kinds and found that some of them are pretty good! We also tried a bunch of different German cold cuts in Wurstbrot form. Finally, we tried the Japanese noodle sandwich Yakisoba-pan. On the non-List front, the non-Sandwich front even, we did a side-by-side and thoroughly unscientific tasting of Mild Sauces, a Chicago original.

Speaking of Wraps, in April we’re wrapping up our trip through the List. The final two sandwiches both start with Z. Zapiekanka is a Polish bar snack, a kind of pizza made on bread rolls. Hopefully this month things will change and we’ll be able to get to a few Polish bars to try them. (SPOILER: we won’t) Zsiros kenyer translates as “greasy bread” and is a Hungarian bar snack which is also often enjoyed around a campfire. And that’s the end of the List.

Except for all those sandwiches that were added to the Wikipedia List after we were past their part of the alphabet, and all the other sandwiches that have never been on the List but deserve to be featured on the Tribunal. So now we begin a second journey through the alphabet. Our first stop on that trip is the Arnold Palmer, a hybrid sandwich, much like the drink called Arnold Palmer is a hybrid beverage.

There should be some tasty things to eat this month. Maybe we’ll even get to go somewhere to eat them!

Changes to the List

Nothing! Minor edits only.

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official en.wikipedia.org List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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1 Response

  1. Daniel says:

    Long time lurker – just wanted to chime in with congats!

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