310 Search results

For the term "ham".
All three hamdogs 1

Let’s Get Stupid: Hamdog

Hamdog is many things to many people. Hamdog is a mystery wrapped in a conundrum, buried inside a cured smoked emulsion of meat and fat, engulfed in yet more meat, drowned in chili and covered...


Hamburger With the Lot

So, I grew up here. In Australia. In Canberra, specifically. Many things have changed in my city in the last 47 years. Australian cities are typically divided up into suburbs, each with their own...


Kalakukko: Finnish Fish… Pie

The rye crust was too thick, brittle when it should be strong enough to hold together yet hard and impenetrable when I wanted to bite through it, unleavened and dense, with the molasses flavor of dark rye.