Category: Recipes


Hold the Bread: KFC’s Double Down Reimagined

It’s funny, I think of KFC’s Double Down as such an aberrant thing, such a weird one-off American and specifically Midwestern goof of a food dare, but it is hardly unique in its strategy of taking a dish of meat and bread, and replacing the bread with more meat.


Pumpkin Spice Bologna

I don’t know whether to call this an early Christmas present for you, Tribunal readers. Perhaps it is the coal in your naughty stocking. Only you can decide, I suppose. But just a couple weeks ago, while we were still in “pumpkin spice season,” a random encounter with a meme on a friend’s Facebook page gave me the idea to make Pumpkin Spice Bologna.


These Beans are a Time Machine

Dinner was a Peruvian dish, a pancake of rice and beans fried in a pan until crisp, that I only recently Googled and learned was called Tacu-tacu. It was served with a thin grilled steak, and there was a dish in the middle of the table with some kind of salsa. The salsa appeared to be finely chopped chilies and not much else.


Welsh Rarebit

Welsh rarebit, also known as Welsh rabbit, contains no rabbit and in fact is not a meat dish at all. It consists of a cheese and beer sauce generally served over toasted bread. I’m...

Roti John 1

Singaporean Roti John

Singapore is an island, a city-state, a port town at the far south end of the Malay Peninsula. Its position at one end of the Strait of Malacca, the easiest route between the Indian...

The Ploughman's Lunch (for dinner) 2

The Ploughman’s Lunch

The Ploughman’s Lunch, a phrase popularized as part of a campaign by the UK’s Milk Marketing Board to get a post-WWII England to get back to the cheese-eating, is yet a legitimate piece of...