November List Sandwiches and October Wrapup

Halloween is behind us, and so is October, an experiment and the first of our makeup months at the Tribunal, where we tackle sandwiches that were added after-the-fact, when we’d already passed their part of the alphabet. I’m happy we did it, as every one of these sandwiches was really great. The Beirute may have just been a roast beef sandwich in a pita, but the zaatar really made it something special; the Carrozza was a delightful cross between a grilled cheese sandwich and a mozzarella stick; and while the chicken schnitzel sandwich can be good or bad, I made one of the best sandwiches I’ve ever had while writing about it. Months like these are great to have, especially after the hamdog debacle of September.

Now it’s November, and now we have a choice to make. Hot dog has not been readded to the list as of this writing, and it would be among the next three sandwiches we’d cover if it had. What to do, what to do…


Was there ever any question? We here at the Tribunal believe a hot dog is a sandwich and belongs on the list, no matter what some of the haters at Wikipedia may think. Yes, November would be an ideal month to cover the Hot Turkey sandwich as well, but you know what? I will still be eating turkeys in December. I will eat every turkey. If you are a turkey, I’m your worst nightmare. Beware, Turkeygeddon cometh.

So this month we’ll be doing the Hot Brown, a specialty of Louisville that I’ve tried previously on a couple of occasions while visiting–it’s an open-faced turkey, bacon, and tomato sandwich with cheese sauce (and I’ll admit, part of the reason for the makeup month in October was to space out my encounters with plates full of cheese sauce. I struggle with my weight as it is). The Hot Chicken sandwich from Quebec doesn’t look like much at first glance but who knows, there may be some surprises there. And of course, HOT DOG. We are covering hot dogs in November. Hot dogs are sandwiches.

I’m very excited about the month ahead, and I hope you are too! Please let me know in the comments if you have any ideas for these sandwiches!

Changes to the List: Nothing major in November, nothing added or removed, just a little bit of housecleaning.

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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