December Sandwiches and November Wrapup

Another month, another three sandwiches have gone by (though I have hope that we’ll see another hot dog post in the coming days). November had us tackling the Hot Brown open-faced sandwich from Louisville, Hot Chicken sandwiches of Quebec, and the classic American Hot Dog (which is totally a sandwich, no matter what the trolls at Wikipedia might say). We also covered a few random sandwiches, with Crit’s Surprise Egg and Bacon sandwich (the surprise being the hot mustard I guess!) and a guaranteed 100% accurate Sandwich Mock Election (that turned out to be 100% inaccurate). Many delicious sandwiches were eaten. It was a good month.

And now, it’s time to unveil our December sandwiches!


The Hot Turkey sandwich is a diner classic, an open-faced sandwich of turkey and gravy that seems like just about the perfect thing to have in the weeks directly following Thanksgiving (although those leftovers are long gone in my house. No matter. I will cook and eat all the turkeys). The Ice Cream Sandwich is a less perfect choice for December but also delicious and I can feel myself getting fatter just thinking about all the examples I’ll eat this month. And of course I couldn’t be better situated to cover the Italian Beef sandwich, Chicago classic that it is. I have no idea what I will be able to say about them that hasn’t been covered innumerable times previously but I’ll have some fun doing the research anyway!

Anybody out there have anything to say about any of these sandwiches? Would you like to write something for the site? Get in touch! We’re an equal-opportunity factory of gluttony here at the Tribunal

Changes to the List

Some minor edits took place in November, but we also had 1 sandwich added to the Wikipedia list, and I am excited! Time will tell whether it will become a permanent fixture on that list, but I’m ready to add it to ours right now.

Mallorca con Jamon y Queso. This is a soft, sweet, spiral-shaped Puerto Rican bread roll coated with powdered sugar, then cut open and filled with hot ham and cheese. It sounds like the kind of sweet/savory combination that would work really well for a breakfast sandwich (though I think I’d like it with egg instead of cheese). Time and more research will tell if that’s the way it’s served in Puerto Rico but I’m getting ahead of myself. I have this month’s sandwiches to investigate first!


Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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2 Responses

  1. Crit says:

    Yes, you correctly identified the surprise, that and how much I actually enjoyed it. i mean, I know I like egg and bacon sangers, but this one really hot the spot!

  2. Crit says:

    Also, perfect time of year for icecream sandwiches here. I’d better get off my arse.

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