Tagged: roast pork


Dansk Pork: Flæskesteg Sandwiches

I’ve eaten three Flæskesteg sandwiches this week and I’ll probably have another for lunch tomorrow. It is as good a fast food sandwich as I think you’re likely to find.


More Photos of Tractors and Corn

30-some-odd years ago, Ronnie came into our lives. He’s my stepfather, my mom’s third husband, the father of my sister Ali. I was, technically, an adult* when Mom and Ronnie married, and not sure...

Medianoche with plaintain chips and mojo 0


When I wrote about Cuban sandwiches nearly two years ago, I had this to say: The greatest thing though is that while getting the sandwich exactly correct can be a pain in the ass–not too many...

Cubano from Cafecito 1

Cubano? CubanYES!!!

It’s come to me over the past couple of days that each of the three sandwiches we’re covering this month is basically a variation of the grilled ham-and-cheese sandwich. As good as a melty-ass ham-and-cheese sandwich...