Tagged: marmite

Marmite 4

The Problem with Marmite

I recall my wife watching a movie one time, one of the indie, rambling, mumblecorey films she loves where nothing actually happens except a lot of low-key conversations. I was not really paying attention,...

January Breakfast Sandwiches 1

A Month of Breakfast Sandwiches

We ran into this issue back in October with the Barbecue sandwich. “Breakfast” is not a sandwich. It’s a category. It’s a sandwich you have for breakfast, simple as that. The Wikipedia article is referring...

The seven British Rail sandwiches of doom 10

The British Rail Sandwich

One of you cats is quite the joker. How does a British cultural reference that’s 20 years out of date end up on the List of Sandwiches that I had, until now, presumed were meant...