Tagged: bacon


Pittsburgh’s Turkey Devonshire

The sauce tastes like something that can’t decide whether it is a bechamel, a gravy, or a cheese sauce and ends up being none of the above. Elements of each present themselves and are subsumed by the whole.


Hungarian Lángos

The bread is just a little salty, the crisp-crusted but chewy outer edges giving way to a thin and cracklingly crunchy center topped with garlic and cheese.


Beyond the Luther Burger: Doughnut Sandwiches

Best of all was their take on the breaded pork tenderloin sandwich. In addition to the tomato and lettuce, this sandwich comes with mustard and a pungent, mildly spicy pepper relish. It is frankly astonishing how well this combination worked in the donut bun.


Hold the Bread: KFC’s Double Down Reimagined

It’s funny, I think of KFC’s Double Down as such an aberrant thing, such a weird one-off American and specifically Midwestern goof of a food dare, but it is hardly unique in its strategy of taking a dish of meat and bread, and replacing the bread with more meat.


I Dream Of Cheeses

This sandwich is an umami overload. Would it be improved by a better bread? Maybe just a touch. But the bread isn’t really the point here.


Birthday Bacon

Today is my younger child’s 12th birthday, so a perfect opportunity for cooking massive quantities of very good bacon. Unlike Jim, I don’t have the skill-set, equipment, or space to smoke/cure my own, but...