Tagged: british sandwich

The Full Irish in a bun 4

The Breakfast Roll

It’s a weird month at the Tribunal (but then again, when isn’t it?), and the alphabetical order in which we’re exploring the List has dealt us a couple of very similar sounding items. The...

The seven British Rail sandwiches of doom 11

The British Rail Sandwich

One of you cats is quite the joker. How does a British cultural reference that’s 20 years out of date end up on the List of Sandwiches that I had, until now, presumed were meant...

Back bacon. Streaky bacon. Buttered sourdough toast 4

The Bacon Butty

So I’ve done 2 out of 3 of this month’s sandwiches from the List, and I might as well tackle the third too. The List’s first sandwich, and the final one of the three...