February List Sandwiches and January Wrapup

Hello, folks, and welcome to another month here at the Tribunal. February’s a short one, and I’ve already wasted a day, so let’s get right to it!

In January, we covered Sausage sandwiches, which is a broad category that took us many places. I’m sure there will be sausage sandwiches yet in the Tribunal’s future. We also wrote about the Schmitter, another Philadelphia sandwich perpetually overshadowed by the cheesesteak. Finally, we wrote about something called “sealed crustless sandwiches,” which is basically the technical name for Smuckers Uncrustables. So it was a good month, even if that last one was kind of a ripoff.

And now for February!

This month we’ll be writing about shawarma, a marinated and grilled meat of Levantine origin. This one is often served as more of a wrap than a sandwich but I’ll take it! We’ll also write about the Shooter’s sandwich, which is basically a big giant steak in a hollowed out bread loaf. I’m into it. Finally, we’ll cover the Guatemalan hot dog sandwich called Shuco. I can’t wait!

Anybody out there interested in any of this month’s sandwiches and want to write about them for us? Let us know!

Changes to the List

Nothing in January, just some more back-and-forth over whether Hot Dogs belong on the list. Yet nobody is arguing over the “sausage sandwich,” which is basically what a hot dog is.

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official en.wikipedia.org List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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