March List Sandwiches and February Wrapup

Hi everybody! Welcome to March 2018, Month #43 of our sandwich quest here at the Tribunal.

February is a pretty short month, but we sure fit in a lot of good sandwiches. I spent a good part of that month thinking about Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches, and shared those thoughts with you. Earlier in the month, we tried the Argentine Pebete, a pretty simple but delicious sandwich of ham, cheese, mayonnaise and tomato in a soft roll, and the Pepito, a steak sandwich known in many forms across Spain and Latin America. It’s not every month that all three sandwiches are winners, but February was one of them.

And now, let’s talk about March!

Once again, the timing of our List has worked out very well, as the Pepper and Egg sandwich is a Lenten special here in the Chicago area–all those Italian Beef places need something to sell on Meatless Fridays! We’ll also be talking about Pimento cheese sandwiches, despite cofounder Thom having already written the definitive piece on the subject a few years ago.  Finally, we’ll be exploring the pistolette, a deep-fried Cajun bread roll stuffed with meat or seafood.

Those all sound pretty good to me. Can’t wait to eat them and tell you all about it!

Changes to the List

Not much movement on the List. Tacos were added and removed, and some joker added “Ice cream salmwich” which apparently meant an ice cream sandwich with salmon in it, and was quickly removed. I just felt you all had to read that since I just did.

Anybody out there want to write about sandwiches this month?

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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