February List Sandwiches and January Wrapup

January was…

Well, January wasn’t our best month ever. I’ll be honest, I had a hard time finding much enthusiasm for any of our sandwiches last month. The Maine-style Italian sandwich is essentially one step above Subway, and while I will sing the praises of Chilean sandwiches for all time, the Italiano is just a collection of condiments, not a sandwich in its own right. I had difficulties thinking of anything to write about jam sandwiches also, though Crit has something of a passion for them. Not our finest moment, but we’ve got some more exciting sandwiches ahead. Forging on!

The jambon-beurre is something I touched on last July when I wrote about ham sandwiches in general, a popular Parisian street food consisting of ham and butter on a baguette (and really, what else do you need?) The Jibarito is a Puerto Rican sandwich with a Chicago pedigree–invented and mostly enjoyed here, but with deep roots in Puerto Rican cuisine. And the Jucy Lucy is a stuffed burger, a pub favorite native to Minneapolis. Sounds like a road trip is in order!

As usual, I will cover all three of these sandwiches at some point in February, and as usual, I hope someone out there will join me on this journey. Do you have some deep connection to the jambon-beurre, jibarito, or Jucy Lucy? It’s a short month and that’s a lot of sandwich to get through. Jump in and help out!

Changes to the List

No real permanent changes to the List this time around–there was a bit of back and forth with sandwiches like the TLT (Tempeh Lettuce and Tomato) and the Wrap (questionable as a sandwich, I agree, but glad it’s back) being removed and readded. All in all, the list is still intact.

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official en.wikipedia.org List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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2 Responses

  1. Ace says:

    I suggest Papa’s Cache Sabroso for a jibarito in Chicago. I used to live right above it. Surefire hangover cure.

  2. Lynn D. says:

    Here’s an interesting sandwich–http://whatshouldimakefor.com/south-orange-sloppy-joe-sandwich/
    new to me

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