August List Sandwiches and July Wrapup

Hey guess what guys? I managed to get through all three sandwiches again last month. Of course, what month don’t I eat a gyro? or a ham sandwich, for that matter? Hagelslag is a different matter, but a weekend with my kids and extended family provided me with willing subjects for the experiment. Not only that, but Crit managed to make a DIY version that looks tastier than she credits. I still have hope that we might see future contributions for this month’s sandwiches, but overall it’s time to move on.

To August! The month I’ve decided to call the


Yes, yes, hamageddon would be funnier. Leave it alone, will you?

Screen Shot 2016-07-02 at 9.49.01 AM

This month we’ll be covering the ham and cheese sandwich, a vast departure from the mundane ham sandwich of July. The ham and egg bun has a little Asian flare, but I think it will turn out to be pretty ordinary as well. And of course there’s the hamburger. Sweet sweet hamburger. I might have to talk my friends at Burger Club Chicago into a guest post for this one.

Let me know if any of you guys out there–regular writers, or newbies looking for that taste of sandwich fame–would like to write about one of this month’s topics!


Changes to The List

  • Some joker added pizza, which was quickly removed
  • bocadillo de calamares was added July 4th. It’s a Spanish-style fried squid grinder, which I have to admit sounds pretty tasty. It’s before our current point in the list, so we’ll have to do it in a make-up month. Note to self: start scheduling those make-up months.

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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1 Response

  1. Crit says:

    Hamburger! Me! maybe ham and cheese too.

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